Family History


1 Variant spellings include: Yoakum, Yokum, Yocum, Yocom, Jochem, Yocumb, Yochum, Yochumb, Yokem, etc.

Yoakum, Yokum, Yocum, Yocom, Jochem, Yocumb, Yochum, Yochumb, Yokem, Yokcum, Joggem, Jochem, Jochaim, Yocham, Youkum, Youcum, Yoackam, Yolkham, etc.
Names as spelled on these pages follow the spelling used in the cited records. Note that spellings used in such records may or may not be the spellings used by the individuals themselves. Census takers and other officials, in their infinite wisdom, had a proclivity for spelling names the way they thought they should be spelled.

This habit can lead to some erroneous assumptions. For example, in one census record all "Yoakum" families in one county are listed as "Yochumb"; in another county, all "Yoakum" families are listed as "Yocum". One might conclude that the spellings represent actual familial relationships...but in fact the spelling differences are simply a result of the spelling preferences of the individual census takers involved. It is probably wise to place no significance whatsoever on how the surname is spelled. - Bob Derryberry
Children: Mathias (~1698-1783)

1.1a Mathias Yoakum*
Birth abt 1698
Death 18 Feb 1783, Botetourt, VA

Sara Patton writes:

Last Friday, I spent a VERY productive day in the Bedford County [VA] Courthouse going through original land deeds, wills, marriage and court records to follow up on two clues I had for the whereabout of the Yoakums and possibly Frederick See during and shortly after the French and Indian War. Previously I had found a couple of references in the Augusta Co, VA court records referring to Felty Yoakum as a "witness from Bedford", and had proved conclusively that the appraisers and administrator for both Felty Yoakum and Frederick See were all landowners and residents of Bedford Co.

Now I think I may have found a NEW document (at least I can't find any mention of the document in other Yoakum histories--but I could be wrong!), that proves Matthias birth year (the only document I've ever seen with his age). I also found documents showing he was licensed to operate an ordinary (inn or tavern) in Bedford in 1761, was exempted from paying levies in 1765 (probably due to his age) and that in 1766, his son Michael was granted permission to build a mill on the north fork of Otter River. I am fairly certain now as to their approximate location but need to do a bit more analysis.

I also found records showing that son Michael married two wives, Ann Boyles and Mary Downing prior to 1777. Consequently it was Mary Downing Yoakum who charge Michael with bad behavior and "absc'nded" with the dowry as recorded in numerous court and land transactions.

I am working to transcribe and analyze all of this material which I should finish in the next week or so. At that point, I'll post it to the list so that anyone wanting the info can let me know. (Don't tell me now or I'll forget!!)

But I was just too excited not to share the following immediately! As you can see, by Matthias's own depostion, he states his age as 66 in 1765. On another document, I have both his and wife "Helena" "marks", his "MY" and hers looks like a "3" or reversed "E". Hope you get as much of a kick out of this as I did!

and includes:

Aug 3, 1765: "Cooper's Tryal....The prisoner being Led to the Bar in Costady [sic] of the Sheriff of this County & being Charged with the Felonisly [sic] Stealing a horse the propity [sic] of Mathias Yoakum being asked whether he is guilty or not Saith he is in no wise Guilty there of when upon the Court Proceeded to the Examination of the Severally Witnesses & the prisoner in his own Defence where upon it is Considered by the Court that the Prisoner ought be further Tryed before the Gen'd Court therefore He is remanded to Prison.

"James Boyd. Aged 24 years being first Sworn'd Desposeth and Saith that some time last fall he saw Simeon Cooper in Company of Silas Cooper ^ his Brother^ who was riding a Sorrel Horse which he knew to be the Property of Matthias Yoakum which he has since been Informed the said Silas & Simeon Cooper had Stolen from the said Yoakim & further Saith not. Jas Boyd

"James Richey aged 23 years Deposeth & Saith about 15 Days ago that Simeon Cooper came to Jno Rickey & this Dept [deponent] asked the -?- sd [said] Cooper if he was not the man that Stole Yoakums horse which he Denied & said his Brother Silas Cooper had Swaped [swapped] for the -?- Horse from Conrod Yoakum and on the Deponant asking him if there was any Witness's of the bargain said that Peter Keny & Jno Keeny were Present & further Saith not. James Ritchey

"Peter Keney aged 22 years Deposeth & Saith that sometime lass fall he happen'd at Conrod Yoakums and he saw Simion Cooper & Silus Cooper sitting[sic] off a Jorney[sic] as he believes to Pensylvinia [sic] that they had a Black Mare & a Gray Horse & no Other & that he never hear'd the said Simeon or Silas Cooper Swapping for sd Sorrel Horse. Further saith not.Peter Keeney

"Mathias Yoakum aged 66 years Deposeth & saith that some time before last Christmas he Lost a Sorrel horse with a blaze in his face which he Verely [sic] believes - Simeon Cooper & Silus Cooper had Stole from him & further Saith not.

his Mark
Mathias M Yoakum

"This day came James Boyd James Richey, Peter Keeny & Mathias Yoakum & Severall appeared & acknowledge themselves in debted to our Sovern Lord the King each in the sum of fifty Pounds of their Goods Chattles lands &Tenement to levied? & to the King his heirs & -?- Rendered. But Pr Condition that if the said Boyd Richey, Keny & Yoakum shall Appear before the Honbl Gen'd Court in October next on the 6th day of the Court & not Depart without Leave of the Court then...." [unfortunately I did not copy the next page as I was so excited in finding Matthias's age, I did not read text to realize it continued on.] Bedford Co, VA Order Bk3:220-221

NOTE: Peter Keeney is one of the witnesses to Mathias Yoakum's will and one
who proved it upon his death.

From: []
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 6:26 AM
Subject: Re: New Member on the List

Dear Geoff:
Your pedigree errs in the first three generations: The first three
entries (Heinrich through Francis) did not exist. They were created by the
fertile imagination of Dr. Smith and his correspondents. Your immigrant
ancestor was Matthias Yoakum, who immigrated to Pennsylvania in the 1730s
with his first wife (name unknown) and two sons, Valentine (Felty) and Philip
Paul. His first wife died and he remarried Eleanor (her surname is unknown;
it was not Zeh or See) Your Jacob, who married Elizabeth See, was born by his
second wife.
Sincerely, Dr. Peter S. Craig, F.A.S.G.

From: Jack Ferstel []
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: New Member on the List

This is the first time I have heard that Heinrich does not "exist"! Please
consult the article by the Holland Society Yearbook, which mentions Heinrich Jochems asan arrivee on the ship Der Bever.

It is one thing to say that Heinrich is not our ancestor; it is quite another to
say that there is no documentation of his existence. If Peter Craig can refute the
information in the Holland Society Yearbook article, I invite him to present
it. To be fair, there are some important gaps in the supposed line from Heinrich
to Mathias, but does not mean Heinrich never existed. I have been on this list
for several years and have read a considerable part of the evidence for the
supposed line from Heinrich to Mathias. The Pennsylvania period seems especially
murky, as to where are ancestors lived and worked there. Anyone who can provide this information would be of immense service to many of us researching this family.


Jack Ferstel
Lafayette, Louisiana

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: New Member on the List

Dear Jack,
If you will read the passenger list of the ship "De Bever" (the Beaver),
dated 9 May 1661 (see pages 182-183 of Volume 1 of NEW WORLD IMMIGRANTS edited by Michael Tepper), you will note the names of two sisters thereon:
Hendrickje Jochems and Geertje Jochems. The "je" ending on both names proves
they were females. In the Dutch naming system, they were daughters of a man
with the first name of Jochem, a not uncommon first name in the Low
Countries. If either of these sisters later married and had children, such
children would bear their father's patronymic or surname, not the patronymic
of their mother.
Dr. Peter S. Craig, F.A.S.G.

From: []
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: Matthias Yoakum

Dear Jack,
The information that Matthias Yoakum first settled in the Tulpehocken
region of Pennsylvania comes from narratives by his grandchildren and
great-grandchildren. I have not found him there under Yoakum (or Yocum,
Yocom, Yokem, etc.). Instead, it would appear that he lived there under the
name of Matthias or Matthew Young (or that is how others interpreted his name
to be). He was definitely of German origins. Records of the First Reformed
Church in Lancaster, PA, which began in 1736, show the baptism of Matthew
Young's son Conrad, born 20 June 1736. This corresponds with what is reported
in Virginia records for Matthias Yoakum's son Conrad. On 2 November 1736,
Matthias Young gave his recognizance to the Lancaster County court to appear
as a witness against Galbreath Disch.
After moving to old Augusta County, Virginia, Matthias seems to have
dropped the name Young in favor of his native German name. There already was
a Matthew Young in Augusta County, who married Agnes Lusk. (Chalkley, Augusta
County records, 1:31, 429, 520; 2:10, 235, 292, 510)
My interest in Matthias Yoakum and his descendants stems from the fact
that I am descended from the "Swedish" Yocum, Peter Jochimsson from Schleswig
in Holstein, who came to the New Sweden colony on the Delaware in 1643. I am
trying to track all of his Yocum descendants down to 1850. All of them
remained north of the Mason-Dixon line, but when one reaches the Northwest
Territory (Ohio and beyond), it becomes difficult to determine whether
particular Yocum families stem from him or from Matthias Yoakum. Indeed,
there was also a third colonial Yocum line, descended from Michael Jochim,
also German, who died in Frederick, Maryland, in 1761. He had two sons, Jacob
and Andrew Yocum, and many descendants.
In January 1995, I prepared a monograph entitled "Yoakums of Virginia,"
which I updated January 2000 (28 pages). This monograph concludes that all of
the Yoakums living in Virginia (including West Virginia) in the 18th century
were of the Matthias Yoakum line. This is the publication to which Greg Brown
referred. For a copy of this monograph, send me a check for $25.
Dr. Peter S. Craig, F.A.S.G.
3406 Macomb St., NW
Washington DC 20016-3160

Spouse Unknown
Children: Valentine (-1763)
Phillip Paul

Other Spouses Eleanor Unknown

1.1a.1 Valentine Yoakum
Birth Germany
Death 17 Jul 1763, Greenbrier, WV

Oft quoted to be son of brother Mathias.

Valentine "Felty" Y. b. 1717, NY, m. Margaret See. Valentine died 17 Jul 1763, Greenbriar Co., VA (now WV).3 Killed in second Muddy Creek Massacre. On page 152 of Bible Records and Marriages, TN, it states that the Y.s were Welsh, lived with the Dutch first residents of Manhattan Island, that the name changed from an unpronounceable Welsh name to Iugum or Jagum, a Latin word for Yoke, then later to Y. and Y.. The names have been lost, but one son, Valentine, moved to South Potomac and Peach Creek. He was youngest of seven sons. After he married they moved to Muddy Creek, Greenbriar Co., VA and settled Yoakum.'s Station in 1771. Valentine was tomahawked by a Shawnee Indian and all the family killed, except young George who was too fast a foot and who killed three Indians with a 'frying pan handle'. George was later in the Battle of Point Pleasant. He married at age 25. (THIS STORY ABOUT GEORGE IS LATER FOUND TO BE FALSE AS HE WAS ONLY ELEVEN AT THE TIME AND WAS LISTED ON PRISONER EXCHANGE DOCUMENTS. )

Other report are that two daughters were not with the family at the time of the massacre, thus survived.

TN Hist. Quarterly says he was youngest of 7 brothers, that the family moved from NY to PA and Valentine later moved to 'the northern neck of VA', settled on Peach Creek, a tributary of South Branch of the Potomac or Wappeconnec River, across the mountains from Shenandoah. This would place him in present day WV. After marriage, he moved to Muddy Creek.

R. A. Y. of Morristown, TN in his lifetime wrote that Valentine was the youngest of 7 sons on the New York Y., moved to South Potomac on Peach Creek, then to Muddy Creek (then VA, now WV). He was there tomahawked by a Shawnee Indian, along with his family, all except George.
Gordon Patterson lists death date as 17 Jul 1763, which tends to correspond with the massacre date,

Research by several, including Earl Quintrell and myself, has revealed that Felty is a derivative of Valentine. It has not been explained why, but numerous incidents of men named Valentine, either surname or Christian name, in Colonial times have been called (and recorded as) Felty. Which brings up, was Millie Felty really Millie Valentine? Many researches have been misled into believing Felty and Valentine were two people, but close scrutiny of facts surrounding them strongly indicate that they were indeed one and the same.
Steve Smith, 213 Reagan St., Cumberland Gap, TN 37724 has done considerable research on the Felty/Valentine references and has a very compelling argument for they being one and the same.
David Moore reports date of death as 17 Jul 1763 in VA. Elizabeth: Her father was Peter Van Bebber

Valentine YOAKUM was the son of Matthias YOAKUM, Sr. This is proven by the
Last Will and Testament of Matthias in LINCOLN Co., KY.
Valentine was married to Margaret SEE, the daughter of George SEE and
Margaret TSCHUDI.

I studied this relationship for several years to unravel the Matthias/Valentine
"Felty"/Margaret/ & George YOAKUM connections. George YOAKUM that married Martha "Patty" VAN BEBBER was a brother of Sarah YOAKUM.

Thank you
Steve Smith email 5/22/99


Matthias YOAKUM was the father of Felty. His will in LINCOLN County, Kentucky in 1783 proved this. Matthias wife is identified in this will as Eleanor. She is by tradition, supposed to have been the sister of Frederick SEA, killed in the massacre. Whether she was the mother of Valentine is not clear at this time by this researcher. Matthias'es last will and testament, written Jan 29, 1780 in BOTETOURT County, Virginia, names his son, Felty, and suggests he is deceased. In the will he states: "and to my son Felty YOAKUM's oldest son, George, his heir, I give and bequeath one dollar."  - Steve Smith

Spouse Margaret See
Father George See

From: Steve and Barbara []
Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 11:37 PM
Subject: Re: Yocum Family

Hi. Remember, I would like to "stress" the fact that "NO ONE" has ever
produced or
referenced a document for me that shows the wife of Matthias YOAKUM to be
Eleanor SEE. If you ever find anything to support this idea, I would
appreciate it. I do, however, have a copy of the last will and testament of
Margaret SEE, wife of George SEE, where she names Felty and Jacob YOAKUM. I
feel fairly comfortable in saying they were sons-in-law of Margaret; Felty
marrying daughter Margaret, and Jacob marrying daughter Elizabeth. Does
anyone else differ in this, or agree with this?
I just simply cannot see any evidence to support Matthias' wife being a
SEE. Comments appreciated.
Steve Smith

Children: George (1752-1800)
Elizabeth (-1774)
Sarah (-1774)

1.1a.1.1 George Yoakum I
Birth 15 Jan 1752, Peach Creek, Greenbrier, VA
Death 28 Oct 1800
Burial Powell Valley, Clairborne, TN, Felix Rogers Cem

The following by Steve Smith:
In LEE County, VA, there are four deeds remaining there concerning land sold by George YOAKUM and his wife, Patty. It is documented that Patty is a nickname for Martha.

June 13, 1796: George YOKUM and Patty, his wife, of LEE County, Virginia, sell to Joseph SPENCER of LEE County, 300 acres of land on the south side of Powell River, a part of a larger tract granted to Thomas CAMPBELL bearing date March 20th, 1785. The land lies between WALLEN's Ridge and the POWELL River and contained a "Mill built by G.Y."

Sep 11, 1798: George YOKUM and Patsy, his wife, of HAWKINS County, Tennessee sell to Enos SOUTHERLAND of LEE County, Virginia, 52 acres of land on the South side of POWELL River containing the Rocky Spring and adjacent to land owned by VAN BEBBER.

Sep 11, 1798: George YOCKUM and Paty, his wife of HAWKINS County, Tennessee to Carr BAILEY of LEE County Virginia 131 acres of land on both sides of the Powell River containing "YOCUM's Old Station".

Sep 11, 1798: George YOCUM and Paty, his wife of HAWKINS County, Tennessee sell to James HOOF (HUFF) of LEE County, Virginia, 100 acres on the South Side of the Powell River, and adjoining the river.
It seems possible that the first sale of land was in preparation of their moving to Tennessee. The other three sales, all conducted on the same day over two years later, were made after the YOAKUM family moved to Tennessee and although the deeds state they were citizens of HAWKINs County, it is very apparent they were actually in GRAINGER County in that part that was formed from HAWKINS County in 1796.

These deeds unquestionably state that the George YOAKUM that lived in LEE County and owned the "Old" YOAKUM Station was married to someone named Patty or Patsy, and not Margaret. Patty and Patsy are nicknames for Martha. Peggy is the nickname for Margaret. It is important to note the word "old" in relation to YOAKUM's Station as they were identifying and separating it from the newer YOAKUM Station that had been built in GRAINGER County. Research has shown that there was only one George YOAKUM in this time period. Now, the Patty YOAKUM mentioned in Isaac VAN BIBBER, III's letter was the Patty shown on these four deeds, she being the daughter of Isaac VAN BIBBER, I., that married George YOAKUM. Isaac VAN BIBBER, I, did not have a daughter named Margaret. Now who is the Margaret YOAKUM shown to be buried beside George YOAKUM in the Felix ROGERS Cemetery in Speedwell, Tennessee?

George YOAKUM died on Oct 28, 1800 intestate in GRAINGER County, Tennessee. Not having a will the court must appoint someone to administer his estate. The widow in such cases usually was given the option to administer estates of deceased husbands, if she was able to do so. On May 18, 1801, the GRAINGER County Court "Ordered that Martha YOKUM & Isaac YOKUM have the right of Administration on the Estate of George YOKUM Deceased who -- Gave John VAN BEBBER & Robert HOWARD their Securities accordingly." In trying to identify this Martha, later researchers suggested that this was the wife of Isaac, the oldest son of George and Margaret. The YOAKUM Bible did not identify the name of Isaac's wife; only that she was a DAVIS. She was then named as being Martha DAVIS. Research has shown that the wife of Isaac was not Martha DAVIS, but Mary DAVIS, the daughter of Aaron and Rachel DAVIS, of Powell Valley.

Claiborne County Deed Book K, Pages 458-459 reads:
"This indenture made the 26th day of August in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and thirtyfour between, Isaac YOAKUM and his wife Mary YOAKUM and Thomas DAVIS, heirs of Aaron DAVIS Deceased of the one part and Harmon DAVIS one of the heirs of the said Deceased of the other part all of the county of CLAIBORNE and state of Tennessee, Witnesseth that the said Isaac YOAKUM and his wife Mary YOAKUM and Thomas DAVIS for and in Consideration of sixty dollars to them paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged hath and by these presents doth grand bargain sell convey & confirm unto the heirs of the said Harmon DAVIS and his heirs and assigns forever a Certain tract of land situate on Lot D of Henderson & Cos grant in Powels Valley being part of the tract which Aaron DAVIS Deceased lived and died on . . ."
Now, let's back up a minute. We have established there was only one George YOAKUM, and that he married Martha "Patty" VAN BEBBER, the daughter of Isaac VAN BIBBER, I, and Sarah DAVIS. But who were the parents of George, and who was Margaret? The Franklin YOAKUM Bible tells us George was the son of Valentine YOAKUM, killed at the massacre of Muddy Creek in 1771. Was there documentation in Virginia concerning this massacre? A search of the records for that time period revealed nothing. However, Order Book 8, for AUGUSTA County records, March 21, 1764 shows that Charles LYNCH qualified as administrater of Valentine YOAKUM and Frederick SEA. Was the Franklin YOAKUM Bible in error on the date of the massacre? Was this the same Valentine YOAKUM? My research has given me a Yes to both these questions. Further research of the Muddy Creek area shows positively there was a massacre in the area in July, 1763. Of the families involved, and it seems there were many, it seems that three influential men of the community were scalped: Archibald CLENDENIN, Frederick SEA, and "Felty" YOAKUM. These names are given in historical accounts from several reliable sources taken shortly after the incident. In searching AUGUSTA County records CLENDENIN and SEA estate settlements are found. Where was Felty's estate settlement? Who was this Valentine YOAKUM that is always found in the records with Frederick SEA?

The answer came in a study of the name Valentine. My theory to prove was that Valentine and Felty were one and the same person. Documentation of the name Valentine by studying countless examples has shown that Valentine is the formal name for the informal "Felty". There are no books that I have found to suggest this, but overwelming evidence found in the records of the time period, with Valentine being a common name then, and apparently a foreign language translation or some sort, yields the nickname Felty. Therefore, we now have historical account both in writings of the period and court records showing that the Muddy Creek massacre took place in 1763, rather than 1771.

Felty being the nickname of Valentine shed new light to other questions we had on the family. Since former researchers were treating Valentine and Felty as two distinct individuals, and now knowing they were the same man, helped identify the father of Valentine. It was common knowledge that Matthias YOAKUM was the father of Felty. His will in LINCOLN County, Kentucky in 1783 proved this. Matthias wife is identified in this will as Eleanor. She is by tradition, supposed to have been the sister of Frederick SEA, killed in the massacre. Whether she was the mother of Valentine is not clear at this time by this researcher. Matthias'es last will and testament, written Jan 29, 1780 in BOTETOURT County, Virginia, names his son, Felty, and suggests he is deceased. In the will he states: "and to my son Felty YOAKUM's oldest son, George, his heir, I give and bequeath one dollar." Matthias'es will only names his wife, Eleanor; his sons, Felty and young George; and Felty's oldest son, George. It is apparent that he had a much larger family and many went to Kentucky with him about 1780.

It is interesting to note that in Matthias' will, George is named as Felty's oldest son, suggesting there were other sons unknown at this time. What records are there supporting other children of Valentine. It has been stated by other researchers that George had two sisters; Elizabeth and Sarah. Whether there has been found any record that openly states this has yet to be seen by me. However, there is good circumstantial evidence now found in the Indian prisoners list made by Colonel Henry BOUQUET when he made arrangement with the Shawnee and Delaware Indians to set free roughly some 200 prisoners in late 1764 and early 1765. In treaty with the Indians at Fort PITT, BOUQUET demanded the safe and speedy release of the prisoners that been held hostage since several Indian raids of the area.

It is very interesting to note those taken from the Green Bryer Company communities in 1763. There were several different lists and release dates of these prisoners. In one list, called List D and dated November 30, 1764, we find the names of 13 males and 33 females. It is common knowledge that during the Indian massacres most men were killed, while women and children were taken prisoner unless there is some reason given to kill them. Most of the males on this list were young minors. This list contains the name Geo: YOKEHAM and Margar't YOKEHAM. Who is the Margaret YOAKUM? No age is given for her. Could she be the wife of the deceased Valentine? Could she be the person buried beside George YOAKUM in the Felix ROGERS Cemetery? It is an interesting theory and one which could be very possible. Researchers of the SEA family suggest she is Margaret SEA/YOAKUM, the widow of "Felty" YOAKUM, and sister of Frederick SEA, but they give no source for this information. Margaret YOKEHAM can also be found on LIST E of these lists of prisoners, as several prisoners can be seen named twice in these lists of prisoners.

List F, dated March 4, 1765, gives us the name of Elizabeth YOAKIM, 12 years old, and taken prisoner July 1763 from Green Bryar in AUGUSTA County. List G, dated May 12, 1765, gives us the name of Sally YOKIM, 5 years old, taken prisoner from Green Bryar Virginia and held captive for two years. This researcher strongly believes that these two females are the children of Valentine "Felty" YOAKUM. Elizabeth YOAKUM was married to John SHOEMAKER by Rev. John ALDERSON, Jr., on August 13, 1782 in GREENBRIER County. Sally, or Sarah, YOAUM was married to Peter VAN BIBBER, III, son of Peter VAN BIBBER, II., and Margery BOUNDS, by Rev. John ALDERSON, Jr., on July 22, 1785 in GREENBRIER County. Peter VAN BIBBER, III., was a first cousin of Martha "Patty" VAN BEBBER. Peter VAN BIBBER, III, was at the Battle of Point Pleasant and enlisted on as a Revolutionary War Soldier. He was living in Ripley County, Indiana when he applied for his Pension for services in this war.

Other names on these lists that are associated with the YOAKUM family history are: Michael SEE, George SEE, Mary SEE, Catherine SEE, John SEA, Peggy SEA, Sarah SEA, and Jean CLENDINNON. Testimony given by Jean CLENDENIN later shows that she was the only surviving child of Archibald CLENDENIN. The widow was taken prisoner and escaped during the journey back to the Indian villages.

Since we find George YOAKUM on the list of Indian captives, we know that he could not have made the brilliant escape described in the Franklin YOAKUM Bible. If the tombstone dates are correct, George would have been born in 1755, making him about age 8 when he was captured in 1763. Therefore, he would have been too young to escape from the Indians in the manner described.

Apparently the family of Matthias YOAKUM, Sr., was not attacked or he was not living in the Muddy Creek area at this time. Conrad YOAKUM, a younger brother of Valentine, was at the CLENDENIN home when they were massacred and was the only one to get away during all the excitement of the massacre. He was able to ride ahead and warn many of the other settlers before the Indians reached their homes.

Matthias YOAKUM, Sr., had many children. One son, Matthais YOAKUM, Jr., had a daughter named Amelia "Milly" YOAKUM. She married General James RAY about 1781 in Kentucky. In those days there had to be county militias, made up of the young men of the county, for Indian defense. The county militias were also important during the Revolutionary War time period. In trying to explain the D.A.R. marker placed at George YOAKUM's grave I have a theory. I suspect that one of the grandsons of Matthias YOAKUM, Sr., by the name of George "YOCAAM", living in LINCOLN County, Kentucky, may have served under General RAY during this time period. Matthias YOAKUM had several grandsons by this name. It is possible that this same General James RAY was a Captain of the LINCOLN County Militia while he lived there in this time frame. I suspect that someone has confused the County Militia record for this George "YOCAAM" to be the record of the Powell Valley George YOAKUM. This my explain the statement of him serving as a Private in Captain RAY's Company; LINCOLN Mil. LINCOLN Mil may have been shortened for LINCOLN County Militia? This is the only theory I have at this time concerning this matter. In studying the life of George YOAKUM, I., of Powell Valley, this researcher has not found any record of him fighting as a Revolutionary War Soldier under Captain James RAY. His military experience seems to be his involvement at Point Pleasant in 1774, his acting as an Indian Scout in the GREENBRIER County Militia, and his involvement in County Militias at RUSSELL County, VA., LEE County, VA., and GRAINGER County, Tennessee. I do not show him ever living in LINCOLN County, Kentucky.

NOTE: Later found information confirms that one GeorgeYOCUM and one Henry YOCUM did fight under the command ofCaptain James RAY in the LINCOLN County Militia in theRevolutionary period. See Bibliography attached. Thisresearcher suspects that these two men were younger children of Matthias YOAKUM, SR. There is proof that George YOAKUM, son of Valentine, was still in GREENBRIER County at this time.

We have now identified the wife and parents of George YOAKUM. We also know the grandfather of George.

Concerning Isaac VAN BIBBER, II: Here is my best guess with the infoavailable:Isaac was only a couple of years old when his father was killed in theBattle of Point Pleasant; Oct 10, 1774. After this he continued to livewith his mother and family. He was the youngest of seven children born ofIsaac VAN BIBBER, I, and Sarah DAVIS. Sarah soon remarried to WilliamGRIFFEY/GRIFFITH. The younger children may have been helped out by theirUncle James DAVIS as far as monetary needs, schooling, and religion. Someof the older children were about old enough by this time to be somewhat selfsupportive. I believe it was Uncle James DAVIS who may have sent my gggggrandfather to school, as he was an educated man and spent his entire adultlife in public service jobs. In 1786 Peter VAN BEBBER, whom I believe wasthe oldest male sibling, went into court and declared himself the guardianof his younger brothers and sisters: Nancy, John, James, Mathew, and Isaac.By this time older sister, Martha, had already married to George YOAKUM, I.Almost immediately after Peter declared himself guardian he removed to lowerSouthwest Virginia to about the present day Dryden and with him George YOAKUM, I. Peter had recently wed his first cousin Eleanor VAN BIBBER andGeorge and Patty (Martha) had been wed long enough by this time to haveabout five or six children. Peter brought along with him his youngersiblings except Isaac and perhaps Mathew. It is not known at present whathappened to Mathew. I believe Isaac stayed with his mother and step father.In 1796 the YOAKUM and VAN BEBBER families moved further down the PowellValley where they lived to the lower part of Powell Valley that fell in thenew state of Tennessee when it was formed in June 1796. At this time it isvery apparent that upon establishing themselves upon their new farms thatSarah DAVIS/VAN BIBBER/GRIFFEY and her husband, William, joined the family.They had been living in the GREENBRIER County area of Virginia. Young Isaachad been well attached to the BOONE family by this time and had worked someat the BOONE trading post. I believe it was at this parting of time ormaybe some time earlier that young Isaac decided not to go to Tennessee withthe rest of the family but to stay with Daniel BOONE's family. This is thebest I have been able to construct with the available data, but I don'tbelieve he was extremely young when he went to live with the BOONE family.

Any Comments are Very Welcome.

Steve Smith Cumberland Gap, TN

From: Carl & Brenda Kriz []
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 1999 2:36 PM
Subject: Descendants of George & Martha Yoakum

Yoakum researchers,

Here's the latest version of "3 Generations of Descendants of George and
Martha (Van Bebber) Yoakum of Claiborne Co., Tennessee." Also, please note
that my e-mail address has changed to:



1. George Yoakum (b. 1758) & Martha Van Bebber
1-1. Isaac Yoakum (b. 1778 VA) & Martha Davis
11-1. George Yoakum (b. 1802 TN) & Jane Rogers
111-1. Mary E. Yoakum (b. 1828 TN)
111-2. China M. Yoakum (b. 1829 TN)
111-3. Isaac Yoakum (b. 1831 TN)
111-4. William R. Yoakum (b. 1835 TN)
111-5. John Yoakum (b. 1839 TN)

11-2. Aaron Yoakum (b. 1803 TN) & Lucinda Doak
112-1. Martha Jane Yoakum (b. 1834 TN)
112-2. Robert G. Yoakum (b. 1835 TN)
112-3. Isaac James Yoakum (b. 1838 TN)
112-4. Mary Tina Yoakum (b. 1840 TN)
112-5. Elizabeth Yoakum (b. 1841 TN)
112-6. Ewing Yoakum (b. 1843 TN)
112-7. Sarah Anne Yoakum (b. 1845 TN)
112-8. George Melvin Yoakum (b. 1847 TN)
112-9. Hellen Manerva Yoakum (b. 1850 TN)
112-10. John Marcellus Yoakum (b. 1852 TN)
2nd wife: Sarah Elizabeth Hollingsworth
112-11. Lewis E. Yoakum (b. 1870 TN)
112-12. William Franklin Yoakum (b. 1874 TN)

11-3. John Yoakum (b. 1805 TN) & Rachel Grimes (b. 1808)
113-1. Newton Henderson Yoakum (b. 1828 MO)
113-2. Pryor Lee Yoakum (b. 1829 MO)
113-3. Hughy Graham Yoakum (b. 1831 MO)
113-4. Mary Ann Yoakum (b. 1839 MO)
113-5. Greenberry Yoakum (b. 1842 MO)
113-6. Thomas Gaines Yoakum (b. 1844 MO)

11-4. Moses Yoakum (b. Dec. 21, 1807 TN) & Elizabeth Grimes
114-1. Polly Ann Yoakum (b. 1831 MO)
114-2. John Henry Yoakum (b. 1833 TN)
114-3. Elizabeth Rachel Yoakum (b. 1835 MO)
114-4. Sarah Margaret Yoakum (b. 1838 MO)
114-5. Martha Jane Yoakum (b. 1840 MO)
114-6. George W. Yoakum (b. 1843 MO)
114-7. Nancy Catherine Yoakum (b. 1844 MO)
114-8. Barbara Ellen Yoakum (b. 1846 MO)
114-9. James Benton Yoakum (b. 1849 MO)
114-10. William Yoakum (b. 1850 MO)
114-11. Prudence Juliet Yoakum (b. 1852 MO)

11-5. Mary Elizabeth Yoakum (b. 1809 TN) & James M. Van
115-1. William H. Vanbebber (b. 1831 TN)
115-2. Barthena Vanbebber (b. 1833 TN)
115-3. Mary Vanbebber (b. 1836 MO)
115-4. Margaret Vanbebber (b. 1837 MO)
115-5. Isaac Vanbebber (b. 1840 MO)
115-6. Nimrod Vanbebber (b. 1842 MO)
115-7. John Vanbebber (b. 1844 MO)
115-8. James Vanbebber (b. 1847 MO)
115-9. Peter Vanbebber (b. 1847 MO)
115-10. Christa Vanbebber (b. 1852 MO)
115-11. Nancy J. Vanbebber (b. 1854 MO)

11-6. Thomas Yoakum (b. 1813 TN) & Lucinda Carr
116-1. James F. Yoakum (b. 1833 TN)
116-2. Mary Themy Yoakum (b. 1835 TN)
116-3. William H. Yoakum (b. 1838 TN)
116-4. Sarah E. Yoakum (b. 1840 TN)
116-5. John Calvin Yoakum (b. 1841 TN)
116-6. Isaac L. Yoakum (b. 1845 TN)
116-7. Wiley Huffaker Yoakum (b. 1848 TN)
116-8. David Yoakum (b. 1855 TN)
116-9. Thomas Yoakum (b. 1856 TN)
116-10. Robert Yoakum (b. 1858 TN)
2nd wife: Mary Ann Mitchell
116-11. Eliza Yoakum (b. 1861 TN)
116-12. Olivia Yoakum (b. 1863 TN)
116-13. Moses Yoakum (b. 1867 TN)
116-14. Charley Yoakum (b. 1874 TN)
116-15. Hugh Yoakum (b. 1876 TN)

11-7. Marcellus Yoakum (b. 1815 TN) & Sarah Cawood
117-1. S.G.W. Yoakum (b. 1838 TN)
117-2. Mary Yoakum (b. 1839 TN)
117-3. Rhoda Jane Yoakum (b. 1840 TN)
117-4. Barbara Yoakum (b. 1843 TN)
117-5. Winna Yoakum (b. 1845 TN)
117-6. James M. Yoakum (b. 1848 TN)
117-7. David M. Yoakum (b. 1848 TN)
117-8. Sally Ann Yoakum (b. 1851 TN)
117-9. Lucinda Yoakum (b. 1853 TN)
117-10. William French Haggard Yoakum (b. 1855 TN)
2nd wife: Sarah Jane McPherson
117-11. Louisa L. Yoakum (b. 1857 TN)
117-12. Fannie Yoakum (b. 1858 TN)
3rd wife: Juda Catherine Gibson
117-13. John M. Yoakum (b. 1860 TN)
117-14. Margaret (Maggie) Yoakum (b. 1861 TN)
117-15. Josiah C. Yoakum (b. 1867 TN)
117-16. Nancy Yoakum (b. 1865 TN)

11-8. William W. (Wylie) Yoakum (b. 1819 TN) & Nancy
Elizabeth Poff
118-1. William Yoakum (b. 1847 TN)
118-2. Aaron Yoakum (b. 1848 TN)
118-3. Mary Yoakum (b. 1854 MO)
118-4. Marcellus Yoakum (b. 1856 MO)
118-5. Pryor Yoakum (b. 1857 MO)
118-6. Isaac Yoakum (b. 1860 MO)
118-7. Alvis Vernus Yoakum (b. 1863 MO)
118-8. James Edward Yoakum (b. 1864 MO)
118-9. Elizabeth Yoakum (b. 1868 MO)

1-2. Peter Yoakum (b. ca 1781 VA) & Sally Stinnett
12-1. William J. Yoakum (b. 1824 IL)
121-1. Malinda E. Yoakum (b. 1847 IL)
121-2. Isaac N. Yoakum (b. 1849 IL)

12-2. George W. Yoakum (b. 1835 IL)

12-3. Louisa Yoakum (b. 1837 IL)

12-4. Mancrua Ann Yoakum (b. 1839 IL)

1-3. George Yoakum, II (b. July 29, 1783 VA) & Mary Ann Maddy
13-1. Henderson King Yoakum (b. 1810 TN) & Evaline Cannon
131-1 Eliza Yoakum
131-2. Martha Yoakum
131-3. Mary Yoakum
131-4. Annie Yoakum
131-5. Emily Yoakum
131-6. Houston Yoakum
131-7. Robert Yoakum
131-8. George Yoakum
131-9. Henderson Yoakum (b. 1857)

13-2. Mary Louise Yoakum (b. 1812 TN) & Ben Bayless

13-3. Washington C. Yoakum (b. 1814 TN) & Mary Elizabeth
133-1. William T. Yoakum (b. 1840 KS)
133-2. Mary Elizabeth Yoakum (b. 1841 KS)
133-3. Wydan Yoakum (b. 1843 KS)
133-4. Iodine Yoakum (b. 1845 KS)
2nd wife: Sophia Pearson Conger
133-5. Franklin Abiya Yoakum (b. 1848)
133-6. Lovina Ann Yoakum (b. 1848)
133-7. Steven Talmadge Yoakum (b. 1850)
133-8. George Washington Yoakum (b. 1851)
133-9. Hedger Conger Yoakum (b. 1853)
133-10. David Madison Yoakum (b. 1855)

13-4. Emily Ann Yoakum (b. 1816 TN) & Wesley Stephens
134-1. Benjamin Franklin Stephens (b. 1840 TN)
134-2. George Wesley Stephens (b. 1842 TN)

13-5. Franklin Laughin Yoakum (b. 1819 TN) & Elizabeth W.
135-1. Benjamin F. Yoakum (b. 1836 TX)
135-2. William Yoakum (b. 1842)
2nd wife: Narcissa Teague Key
135-3. Finis Ewing Yoakum (b. 1851)
135-4. Caledonia Yoakum (b. 1853)
135-5. Robert Yoakum (b. 1859)
135-6. Lillian Yoakum (b. 1862)

13-6. Madison Yoakum (b. 1822 TN) & Mary Dillard Elkins
136-1. Madison Yoakum, Jr. (b. 1863)

13-7. Celia Ann Yoakum (b. 1824 TN) & George M. Custon
137-1. Ada Custon (b. 1847)
137-2. George Oliver Custon (b. 1849)
137-3. John Franklin Cuson (b. 1851)

13-8. Martha Aurelia Yoakum (b. 1827) & Julius Wright
138-1. Mary Wright (b. 1849)

13-9. Mary Ann Yoakum (b. 1830) & Joseph Lemmons

13-10. Lavina Yoakum (b. 1832)

13-11. Adeline Yoakum (b. 1835)

1-4. Valentine Yoakum (b. 1785) & Charlotte Reynolds
14-1. Mary J. Yoakum (b. 1805 TN)
142-1. Vica Yoakum (b. 1849)

14.-2. George Yoakum (b. 1806 TN)

14-3. Martha Yoakum (b. 1807 TN) & Hiram Grimmett
143-1. George A. Grimmett (b. 1835 TN)
143-2. Samuel T. Grimmett (b. 1837 TN)
143-3. Charlotte Grimmett (b. 1839 TN)
143-4. William T. Grimmett (b. 1842 TN)
143-5. James H. Grimmett (b. 1845 MO)
143-6. Sarah J. Grimmett (b. 1847 MO)
143-7. Dosha A. Grimmett (b. 1849 MO)

14-4. Ruth Yoakum (b. 1803 TN) & John Owens
144-1. Ann Eliza Owens (b. 1832 TN)
144-2. Minerva Catherine Owens (b. 1834 TN)
144-3. Williams Owens (b. 1836 MO)
144-4. Mary Elizabeth Owens (b. 1837 TN)
144-5. Kelly Owens (b. 1839 TN)
144-6. Missouri Jane Owens (b. 1841 MO)
144-7. Frank Owens (b. 1843 TN)
144-8. Laura Esther Owens (b. 1851 MO)

14-5. George Yoakum (b. 1809 TN) & Sarah ______

14-6. Nelson Yoakum (b. 1810 TN)

14-7. William Yoakum (b. 1812 TN)

14-8. Isaac Yoakum (b. 1812 TN) & Rachel L. Sisk
148-1. Margaret Yoakum (b. 1836 TN)
148-2. William R. Yoakum (b. 1840 TN)
148-3. Elizabeth Yoakum (b. 1839 TN)
148-4. John H. Yoakum (b. 1842 TN)
148-5. Jesse Franklin Yoakum (b. 1844 TN)
148-6. James C. Yoakum (b. 1845 TN)
148-7. Sarah Yoakum (b. 1848 TN)
148-8. Simon Yoakum (b. 1850 TN)
148-9. Nancy Yoakum (b. 1852 AL)
148-10. Isaac Rite Yoakum (b. 1854 AL)
148-11. Mary Ann Yoakum (b. 1859 MO)

14-9. Charlotte Yoakum (b. 1817 TN)

14-10. Margaret Yoakum (b. circa 1820 TN)

14-11. Jesse P. Yoakum (b. 1823 TN) & Mary Ellen Payne
14-11-1. George William Yoakum (b. 1851 MO)
14-11-2. Margaret E. Yoakum (b. 1853 MO)
14-11-3. Albert Yoakum (b. 1855 MO)
14-11-4. Lott B. Yoakum (b. 1857 MO)
14-11-5. Mary E. Yoakum (b. 1858 MO)
14-11-6. Columbus Yoakum (b. 1860 MO)
14-11-7. Rhoda A. Yoakum (b. 1862 MO)
14-11-8. Martha E. Yoakum (b. 1866 MO)
14-11-9. Jackson Morgan Yoakum (b. 1868 MO)

14-12. William George Yoakum (b. 1830) & Hannah P. Potts
14-12-1. Mary Yoakum (b. 1848 TN)
14-12-2. George Washington Yoakum (b. 1849 TN)
14-12-3. John D. Yoakum (b. 1850 TN)
14-12-4. Rachel Clemintine Yoakum (b. 1855 AL)
14-12-5. Nancy Ellen Yoakum (b. 1856 AL)

1-5. Jesse Yoakum (b. ca 1787) & Anna Berry (b. 1779)
15-1. Isaac Yoakum (b. 1810 TN) & Emma _______
151-1. Martha Ann Yoakum (b. 1834 TN)
151-2. Elizabeth Jane Yoakum (b. 1835 TN)
151-3. William Jackson Yoakum (b. 1838 MO)
151-4. Mary Yoakum (b. 1839 MO)
151-5. George Yoakum (b. 1841 MO)
151-6. Annie Eliza Yoakum (b. 1842 MO)
151-7. Lousia Josephine Yoakum (b. 1844 MO)
151-8. Jesse Yoakum (b. 1844 MO)
151-9. Thomas Yoakum (b. 1847 MO)
151-10. Isaac Yoakum (b. 1849 MO)

15-2. Alvis Yoakum (b. 1813 TN) & Elizabeth McQuiston
152-1. John F. Yoakum (b. 1839 MO)
152-2. Mary Jane (Jennie) Yoakum (b. 1841 MO)
152-3. Sarah Anne Yoakum (b. 1842 MO)
152-4. William H. Yoakum (b. 1845 MO)
152-5. Zerilda Yoakum (b. 1848 MO)
152-6. Pryor L. Yoakum (b. 1850 MO)

15-3. Catherine Yoakum (b. 1819 TN) & James B. Kesterson
153-1. Kitty Kesterson (b. 1842 MO)
153-2. Mary A. Kesterson (b. 1844 MO)
153-3. John Kesterson (b. 1848 MO)
153-4. James Kesterson (b. 1850 MO)
153-5. Parker Kesterson (b. 1852 MO)
153-6. Francis Kesterson (b. 1854 MO)
153-7. Male Kesterson (b. 1859 MO)

15-4. William Yoakum (b. 1820 TN) & Sarah W. Stone
154-1. John E. Yoakum (b. 1851 MO)
154-2. Mary Ann Yoakum (b. 1853 MO)
154-3. I.J. Yoakum (b. 1855 MO)
2nd wife: Eliza E. Kincaid
154-4. Sarah Yoakum (b. 1859 MO)
154-5. Katie M. Yoakum (b. 1861 MO)
154-6. J.W. Kelley Yoakum (b. 1862 MO)
154-7. Forrest Yoakum (b. 1868 CA)
154-8. Walter A. Yoakum (b. 1873 CA)
154-9. Florence Yoakum (b. 1875 CA)

15-5. Jesse J. Yoakum (b. 1821 TN) & Rebecca Branstetter
155-1. Mary Frances Yoakum (b. 1851 MO)
155-2. Daniel W. Yoakum (b. 1852 MO)
155-3. Elizabeth Yoakum (b. 1853 MO)

1-6. Robert Yoakum (b. 1789 TN) & Parkey Berry
16-1. Ewing B. Yoakum (b. 1821 TN) & Martha Van Bebber
161-1. Eliza Jane Yoakum (b. 1846 TN) & Urial Jennings
161-2. James R. Yoakum (b. 1847 TN)
161-3. Winfield Scott Yoakum (b. 1848 TN)
161-4. Letitia Yoakum (b. 1850 TN)
161-5. Isaac Yoakum (b. 1852 TN)
161-6. Sarah Yoakum (b. 1854 TN)
161-7. Parkey Yoakum (b. 1856 TN)
161-8. William Gibson Yoakum (b. 1860 TN)

16-2. Mary Ann Yoakum (b. 1822 TN) & David Sedrick Burk
162-1. James Marshall Burk

16-3. Robert G. Yoakum (b. 1824 TN) & Lucinda Jennings
163-1. Dorcas Yoakum (b. 1850 TN)
163-2. Ewing Franklin Yoakum (b. 1866 TN)
163-3. Burnsides Yoakum (b. 1860)
163-4. Grant Yoakum (b. 1868 TN)
163-5. Joseph Sherman Yoakum (b. 1873 TN)
163-6. James Randolph Yoakum (b. 1875 TN)
163-7. Emma Yoakum (b. 1877 TN)
163-8. Mossy Yoakum (b. 1879 TN)

1-7. Margaret Yoakum (b. ca 1791) & _______ Condra

1-8. William Yoakum (b. 1788 VA) & Sarah Simmons
18-1. John W. Yoakum (b. 1825 IL; d. 1850 IL)
18-2. Mary ("Polly") Ann Yoakum (b. 1827 IL)
18-3. George Henderson Yoakum (b. 1829 IL)
18-4. Martha J. Yoakum (b. 1831 Sangamon Co., IL)
18-5. James Calvin Yoakum (b. 1836 Sangamon Co., IL)
18-6. Milton Berry Yoakum (b. 1837 Sangamon Co., IL)
18-7. Isaac Riley Yoakum (b. 1839 Sangamon Co., IL)
18-8. Jesse J. Yoakum (b. 1841 Sangamon Co., IL)
18-9. Sarah E. Yoakum (b. 1846 Sangamon Co., IL)
2nd wife: Letitia Henderson Rice (b. 1820s)

1-9. James Yoakum (b. 1793 VA) & Julia Owens
19-1. William Yoakum (b. 1812 Menard Co., IL)
19-2. George Yoakum (b. Menard Co., IL)
19-3. Nelson Yoakum (b. Menard Co., IL)
19-4. John Yoakum (b. Menard Co., IL)
19-5. Isaac Yoakum (b. Menard Co., IL)
19-6. ______ Yoakum (b. Menard Co., IL)
19-7. ______ Yoakum (b. Menard Co., IL)
19-8. ______ Yoakum (b. Menard Co., IL)
19-9. ______ Yoakum (b. Menard Co., IL)
19-10. _____ Yoakum (b. Menard Co., IL)
19-11. _____ Yoakum (b. Menard Co., IL)

1-10. John Yoakum (b. ca 1781) & Rachel Weaver
1-10-1. Jacob Yoakum (b. 1802)
1-10-2. Nancy Yoakum (b. 1805 TN) & Gilbert Mackey
1-10-1-1. Mathias Wall Mackey
1-10-1-2. John Mackey
1-10-1-3. Mahalia Jane Mackey
1-10-1-4. Thomas Benton Mackey
1-10-1-5. George Washington Mackey
1-10-1-6. Alexander Campbell Mackey
1-10-1-7. Mary Ett Mackey (b. 1846)

1-10-3. Isaac Yoakum (b. 1806 IL) & Rebecca McWilliams
1-10-4. George Yoakum (b. 1808 IL) & Mariah
1-10-5. Elijah Yoakum (b. 1810 IL) & Harriett
1-10-6. Valentine Washington Yoakum (b. 1812 IL)
1-10-7. Margaret Yoakum (b. 1815 IL)
1-10-8. Martha Yoakum (b. 1816 IL) & Alexander
1-10-2-1. Maria Albina McWilliams (b. 1838 IL)
1-10-2-2. Amanda Evaline McWilliams (b. 1839 IL)
1-10-2-3. Amina Jane McWilliams (b. 1841 IL)
1-10-2-4. Rachel Rebecca McWilliams (b. 1841 IL)
1-10-2-5. Martha Ellen McWilliams (b. 1843 IL)
1-10-2-6. Mary Elizabeth McWilliams (b. 1844 IL)
1-10-2-7. John Isaac McWilliams (b. 1848)

1-10-9. Rachel Yoakum (b. 1818 IL) & Thomas F. Wright May
1-10-10. Sarah Yoakum (b. 1823 IL)
1-10-11. William Jefferson Yoakum (b. 1828
Montgomery Co., IL)

1-13. Nancy Yoakum (b. ca 1796) & David Batterton
1-13-1. ________ Batterton (b. ____ IL)

1-12. Matthias Yoakum (b. 1800 VA) & Elizabeth McHenry
1-12-1. Hiram Yoakum (b. 1828 IL) & Catherine Emore
1-12-2. Mary E. Yoakum (b. 1829 IL) & Eli C. _____
1-12-3. Jesse Yoakum (b. 1831 IL) & Margaret G. Thompson
1-12-4. Catherine Yoakum (b. 1834 IL) & Zebulon S. Cogdal
1-12-5. Elihue Bone Yoakum (b. 1837 IL) & Mary A. Cogdal
1-12-6. Thomas C. Yoakum (b. 1840 IL) Barilla Hoag
1-12-7. Robert C. Yoakum (b. ___IL) & Victoria May

Spouse Martha "Patty" Vanbebber
Birth 1754
Father Isaac Michael Vanbebber Rev (1734-1774)

By Bruce E. Logan Jr.
The Van Bibber family that was the first to settle in the New World was the family of Isaacs Jacob Van Bibber who came to Philadelphia in 1687. He came to America to prepare the way for his parents and the rest of the family that would soon follow. The Van Bibbers were residents of Krefeld (now Germany) and had been persecuted in Europe because they were followers of Menno Simons. Other Mennonites from Krefeld had come to Philadelphia in 1684 at the invitation of William Penn including Herman op den Graff, who was the husband of two of the sisters of Isaacs Jacob. Isaacs Jacob Van Bibber moved to Germantown (now a suburb of Philadelphia) and was engaged in commerce.

It was not long before the rest of the family immigrated to Germantown and resided there and in Philadelphia until moving to Cecil County Maryland. While in Germantown the family got involved in a religious dispute and perhaps that is what caused the migration to Maryland.

Below you will find a family group sheet of the first known family of Van Bibbers in America.
Jacob Isaac Van Bibber, b. ca. 1640, d. Sept. 1705, Cecil Co., MD
m. Christina Unknown, b. ca. 1640, d. 4 Sept. 1711, Cecil Co., MD
Jacob Isaac and Christina Van Bibber are buried in the floor of St. Stephen's Church in Earlsville, Maryland.
1. Deborah Van Bibber, b. ca. 1660, d. ???
m. (1) Herman op den Graff
m. (2) Dirk Keyser, aft 1704
2. Henry Van Bibber, b. ??? d. Aft 1729, Cecil Co., MD
m. Catherine Bougard
3. Lisbet Isaacs Van Bibber
m. Herman op den Graff
4. Margaryte Van Bibber
m. J. Bool
5. Matthias Jacobs Van Bibber
m. Hermana Peterson
m. 7 Nov. 1705, Cecil Co., MD
6. Isaac Jacob Van Bibber, b. ca. 1661, d. 1722/23
m. Fronica/Veronica "Frances" Schumacher, daughter of Peter and Sarah Hendricks) Schumacher.
m. 28 May 1690, Maryland

BATTLE OF POINT PLEASANT (George Yoakum was in this battle, though not mentioned here. see generations.)
By Bruce E. Logan Jr.

The Battle of Point Pleasant took place in what is now Mason County West Virginia on 10 Oct. 1774. The battle site overlooks the Ohio River. The battle was between the English colonists and the Indians and was part of what is known as Dunmore's War. The main cause of Dunmore's War was basically the incursion of the white man into Indian lands and especially the Ohio Valley.

The Van Bibber family were early settlers in the Greenbrier and were, like most settlers on the frontier, seeking new and better land. Also, like most pioneers, the Van Bibbers were members of the malitia and were willing to fight for possession of this new land.

The battle was a temporary defeat for the white settlers but a great loss for the Van Bibber family who settled on the this primitive frontier.

Isaac Van Bibber (sometimes known as Michael) was one of the victims. There were one-hundred and forty whites killed including the commanding officer, Colonel Charles Lewis, but to the family of Isaac Van Bibber it was a loss that would change their entire world.

Isaac had several young children and his loss would cause the breakup of the family. Isaac's wife remarried and his son Isaac Jr. would live with the famous Daniel Boone. Kanawha Co., VA records indicated that another son, Matthias, was raised by Isaac's brother Peter Van Bibber. Isaac Van Bibber's group sheet is listed below.

Isaac was not the only Van Bibber family member at the Battle of Point Pleasant. Various lists also include Captain John, Peter, and John Jesse Van Bibber as participants in the battle.

Group Sheet by Bruce Logan and Steve Smith
Isaac Van Bibber, I. b. Abt 1724 - mortally wounded 10 Oct. 1774 at Point Pleasant, VA. (Now Mason County, WV) (The name Michael has never been documented by Steve Smith). m. Sarah Davis, traditionally from North Carolina. Sarah m. 2nd. William Griffin/Griffey (sp)(Possibly went to Tennessee with children, where William GRIFFEY can be documented with the VAN BEBBER brothers several times.

Children and Spouses
1. Peter Van Bibber, Sr. b. ??? d. 1816-1817 in CLAIBORNE County, Tennessee.
m. Eleanor "Nellie" Van Bibber, dau of Peter VAN BIBBER Jr., and Margery BOUNDS. Nellie went to Mo. after death of Peter and can be found in family of Nathan BOONE and Olive BOONE by 1840.
2. Rebecca Van Bibber (No child named Rebecca can be documented by Steve Smith).
3. James Van Bibber, Sr. b. Abt 1768 - d. ca 1834 in CLAIBORNE County, Tennessee
m. Hannah Hoover in Russell Co., VA. ca 1793.
4. Isaac Van Bibber, II., b. 20 Oct. 1771, Greenbrier Co., VA, d. 30 Sept.1840, Montgomery Co., MO.
m. Elizabeth Hays, b. 12 June 1776, Ft. Boonesborough, KY, d. 3 Aug, 1828, Montgomery Co., MO, daughter of William Hays and Susannah Boone and granddaughter of Daniel Boone and Rebecca Bryan.
5. Margaret Van Bibber (no daughter named Margaret can be documented by Steve Smith.)
m. George Yokcome I
6. John Van Bibber, Sr., b. ca 1765 - d. 1818 in Claiborne County, TN.
m. Margaret CHRISMAN ca 1787 in Russell County, VA. Margaret was daughter of Isaac CHRISMAN, I., and Jean/Jenny SCOTT.
7. Nancy Van Bibber b. d.
m. Robert Howard b. d. Powell Valley, Claiborne County, TN.
8. Martha (Patty/Patsy) VAN BIBBER b. d. in Salisbury Township, Sangamon Co., Illinois
m. George YOAKUM, I., ca 1776 in Greenbrier Co., VA.
George YOAKUM b. ca. 1755 in VA. d. Oct 28, 1800 in Grainger Co., (now Claiborne Co., TN.) in bear hunt. George was son of Valentine "Felty" YOAKUM.
(Isaac and Sarah were parents of seven children: Nancy, Peter, Martha, John, James, and Isaac, Jr. or II. I cannot document the name of seventh child. Would love to know. I suspect the name Matthias, but if so I don't know what happened to him after the death of his father. Steve Smith.) (See query below. BEL)
(Rebecca and Margaret are mentioned in the research paper of Josephine Nell Letts and the DAR papers of Mrs. Mabel Holliday Moody.BEL).

By Steve Smith <>

I think the VAN BEBBER e-mail club would be a good idea and a good way to gather new information and find new unexplored branches of the family. I would support this with giving you information on the family. Most of the research I have (about 50 3" binders) is based on descendants of Isaac VAN BIBBER, I., of Point Pleasant battle (Oct 10, 1774). He and wife, Sarah DAVIS, had seven children. I can document the name of six of those children. Five of the six children I document went to CLAIBORNE County, Tennessee by 1796, and helped to establish Fort YOAKUM with brother-in-law, George YOAKUM, I., and remained in this area. John VAN BEBBER, Sr., one of the children of Isaac and Sarah, purchased 3250 acres in the newly established HENDERSON Grant of Powell Valley. He immediately began colonizing this land by selling farms to family and friends. This was still in Indian disputed territory at this time and was not recognized by U.S. Government until two years later.

John married Margaret CHRISMAN, oldest daughter of Isaac CHRISMAN, I., and Jean/Jenny SCOTT of Southwest Virginia. Isaac CHRISMAN was killed in Washington County Virginia by hostile Indians in 1776. Jean remarried to Nathaniel HIX. The VAN BEBBER's moved to the area around late 1785 or early 1786. With the party were: George YOAKUM, I., and bride, Martha (Patty/Patsy) VAN BIBBER; Peter VAN BEBBER, Sr., and new bride, Eleanor/Ellen/Nelly VAN BIBBER (first cousin, and daughter of Peter VAN BIBBER, II., and Margery BOUNDS); Robert HOWARD and wife, Nancy VAN BEBBER; John VAN BEBBER, and James VAN BEBBER. Younger brother, Isaac VAN BIBBER, II., stayed behind with mother, Sarah DAVIS/VAN BEBBER and her new husband, William GRIFFEY. He later was informally adopted (meaning he stayed in the family of) Col. Daniel BOONE. He migrated west into Kentucky with BOONE and later to Missouri where he became wealthy owning and operating a health spa with hotels and cabins. He married the grand daughter of BOONE, Elizabeth HAYS, the daughter of William HAYS and Susannah BOONE.

The area of the VAN BEBBER settlement was Washington County, Virginia when they moved there. They established Fort YOAKUM on the Powell River at present day Dryden, Wise County, Virginia. In early 1786 the area of far southwest Virginia was surveyed to become RUSSELL County, Virginia. The county seat was established in Lebanon, VA. John VAN BEBBER was appointed Lieutenant of the county Militia on the first court held for the county in May, 1786. While here in this area he married Margaret CHRISMAN and younger brother, James VAN BEBBER married Hannah HOOVER.

The VAN BEBBER's remained here until 1796, when they moved further down Powell Valley to HAWKINS County, later GRAINGER County (June 1796) and finally CLAIBORNE County (1801). John VAN BEBBER was Justice of the Peace for the new organized county of GRAINGER. He was appointed to Captain of a company in Powell Valley in the State Militia by Governor John Sevier. He rode horse back about 50 miles to court meetings in Rutledge, Tennessee (the county seat.) He was instrumental in helping to organize CLAIBORNE County in 1801 and was appointed by Governor Archibald ROANE to be Justice of the Peace in the County at the organization of the county and sworn in at the first court. He held this position until 1815, when son John, Jr. was killed in War of 1812. He died in late 1818. Older brother died in late 1816 or early 1817. James VAN BEBBER died ca 1834. George YOAKUM died in 1800 in bear hunt. Widow Martha VAN BIBBER/YOAKUM remained at the Station until 1810 when she and several of the children moved to Illinois, eventually settling just Northwest of Springfield, where she died at Salisbury Township. She was mother to at least 12 children. John was father of at least 11 children.
Descendants of these families may be found in many states.

By Steve Smith (
Concerning Isaac VAN BIBBER, II: Here is my best guess with the information available:
Isaac was only a couple of years old when his father was killed in the Battle of Point Pleasant; Oct 10, 1774. After this he continued to live with his mother and family. He was the youngest of seven children born of Isaac VAN BIBBER, I, and Sarah DAVIS. Sarah soon remarried to William GRIFFEY/GRIFFITH. The younger children may have been helped out by their Uncle James DAVIS as far as monetary needs, schooling, and religion. Some of the older children were about old enough by this time to be somewhat self-supportive. I believe it was Uncle James DAVIS who may have sent my gggg grandfather to school, as he was an educated man and spent his entire adult life in public service jobs. In 1786 Peter VAN BEBBER, whom I believe was the oldest male sibling, went into court and declared himself the guardian of his younger brothers and sisters: Nancy, John, James, Matthew, and Isaac.

By this time older sister, Martha, had already married to George YOAKUM, I.
Almost immediately after Peter declared himself guardian he removed to lower Southwest Virginia to about the present day Dryden and with him George YOAKUM, I. Peter had recently wed his first cousin Eleanor VAN BIBBER and George and Patty (Martha) had been wed long enough by this time to have about five or six children. Peter brought along with him his younger siblings except Isaac and perhaps Matthew. It is not known at present what happened to Matthew. I believe Isaac stayed with his mother and step father.
In 1796 the YOAKUM and VAN BEBBER families moved further down the Powell Valley where they lived to the lower part of Powell Valley that fell in the new state of Tennessee when it was formed in June 1796. At this time it is very apparent that upon establishing themselves upon their new farms that Sarah DAVIS/VAN BIBBER/GRIFFEY and her husband, William, joined the family.
They had been living in the GREENBRIER County area of Virginia. Young Isaac
had been well attached to the BOONE family by this time and had worked some at the BOONE trading post. I believe it was at this parting of time or maybe some time earlier that young Isaac decided not to go to Tennessee with the rest of the family but to stay with Daniel BOONE's family. This is the best I have been able to construct with the available data, but I don't believe he was extremely young when he went to live with the BOONE family.

Their history is full of very interesting accounts of adventure, strife, hardship, and victory.

Bob DerryBerry:
Now let me back up a bit to some VAN BEBBER information. It is well documented by this researcher that Isaac VAN BIBBER, I., the son of Peter VAN BIBBER, I., and Ann _____, was mortally wounded in the Battle of Point Pleasant on Oct 10, 1774 at Point Pleasant, Virginia (now MASON County, WV). His widow, Sarah DAVIS/VAN BEBBER, stated in GREENBRIER County Court that she was the widow of Isaac and that she had seven children. In a letter written by Isaac VAN BIBBER, III., the son of Isaac VAN BIBBER, II., and grandson of Isaac VAN BIBBER, I., we can identify six of these children: Nancy, Patty, and Peter, the oldest children; and John, James, and Isaac; being the youngest children. These names all have been well documented by this researcer. In fact, of the six listed here, all lived together throughout most of their lives except young Isaac, II., who went to Missouri with members of the BOONE family. Isaac VAN BIBBER, III., further goes on to state in his letter that one of these daughters married a man by the surname of HOWARD and that he died in Powell Valley. Later deduction has proven this daughter to be Nancy and her husband by process of elimination most definitely has to be Robert HOWARD. This letter written by Isaac VAN BIBBER, III., to Lyman DRAPER and found in the DRAPER MSS clearly shows six of the seven children of Isaac and Sarah. Who was the seventh child?

In the records of GREENBRIER County for the County Court held in March 1786, we find where Peter VAN BEBBER is appointed guardian to Matthew, John, Nancy, James, and Isaac VAN BEBBER. This researcher is of strong opinion that the above lists concerns Peter VAN BEBBER, the son of Isaac VAN BEBBER and Sarah DAVIS; and that he was the older brother of the other listed children shown. Patty VAN BEBBER is not shown on the list. We will show later that she is not on the list because in 1786 she was already married and probably was not a minor at this date. Now, was Matthew VAN BEBBER the seventh child of Isaac and Sarah? This document seems to be strong enough evidence to suggest it to this researcher. What happened to Matthew VAN BEBBER later? Only further research will show the answer to this, maybe?

The above guardianship seems to be in preparation for the move of these children to WASHINGTON County, Virginia. RUSSELL County was formed in 1786 and the first court held in May, 1786. On the second day of the first court held, John VAN BEBBER was made Lieutenant of the County Militia of RUSSELL County. This means they must have left GREENBRIER County for WASHINGTON County between March and May of 1786. They settled on the Powell River in Powell Valley near present day DRYDEN. Records suggest that both the YOAKUM family and the VAN BEBBER family held land there; yet only deeds of the sales of the YOAKUM land can be found today.

The Powell River begins its journey in WISE County, near the town of Norton and has cut its way through the Big Stone Gap and then entering the Powell Valley here winds its way slowly through LEE County toward the state of Tennessee. Entering Tennessee it is separated from the main floor of Powell Valley by the dividing ridge as it flows through CLAIBORNE and CAMPBELL County and merges with the Clinch River near Norris, Tennessee. Yoakum Station Voting district in LEE County pays tribute to the fort that was built there in the 1780's by George YOAKUM and the VAN BEBBER brothers.

Marriage records of the Reverend John ALDERSON show that Peter VAN BEBBER (called Peter VAN BEBBER, Sr.), the son of Isaac VAN BIBBER, I., and Sarah DAVIS, married his first cousin, Eleanor VAN BIBBER, the daughter of Peter VAN BIBBER, II., and Margery BOUNDS. Peter VAN BIBBER, II., was a younger brother of Isaac VAN BIBBER, I., both being children of Peter VAN BIBBER, I., and his wife, Ann.
Of the seven children that we have named; viz: Peter, Patty, Nancy, Matthew, John, James, and Isaac; it can be documented that at least five of them came to Powell Valley in 1786. It is not known if Isaac and Matthew came or stayed behind with their mother, Sarah, who had remarried at this time to a man by the name of William GRIFFEY. Court records of CLAIBORNE County suggest that at a later date William GRIFFEY also came to CLAIBORNE County. Of these seven children, it appears that two were married in 1786 at the time of their move; viz: Peter md. Eleanor VAN BIBBER, and Martha or Patty md. George YOAKUM, I.

After John VAN BEBBER is found in Court records of RUSSELL County in May 1786, the families of VAN BEBBER, YOAKUM, and HOWARD can be found continously after that date in the County of RUSSELL until LEE County was formed. These families are found on the petiton to form LEE County. Their reason given for forming LEE, among other reasons, was its distance to the RUSSELL County Courthouse. They can be found on various records in RUSSELL and LEE County until 1796. Therefore; there presence of being in LEE County did not mean that they had moved, but rather that a new County had been formed and they fell into the borders of that new county of LEE. Tradition states that YOAKUM Station was a site of Court meetings in the early formation period of LEE County.

Exactly what year did these families move from LEE County, Virginia to the state of Tennessee? It seems obvious from the records of LEE County that they did not build the YOAKUM Station fort in Tennessee in 1790. According to tax records of RUSSELL and LEE County, Virginia, the VAN BEBBER's, YOAKUM's, and HOWARD's paid taxes in Virginia until 1796. John VAN BEBBER did not pay taxes there that year. Could he have moved to Tennessee that year? The records needed to show this may have been destroyed in HAWKINS County, TN, during the Civil War period.

At any rate, we know that they were here in Powell Valley, CLAIBORNE County, TN by statehood as it seems apparent with the records we have in GRAINGER County, Tennessee, which was formed with statehood. Tennessee became the 16'th state on June 1, 1796 and GRAINGER County held its first court on June 13, 1796. At the second Court session held, on September 12, 1796, the GRAINGER County Court ordered a review of a road to be built from HOLSTON River to YOKHAM's Station in Powell Valley. The HOLSTON River cuts thru the HOLSTON Valley and runs close by Rutledge, where the county seat of GRAINGER is located. George YOAKUM and John VAN BEBBER were later appointed members of the committee to review this road survey and report back to the court. From this date and until their deaths, these two men may be documented as citizens of Powell Valley in that part that later became Speedwell, CLAIBORNE County, TN.

Marr abt 1777, Greenbrier, W.VA
Children: Isaac (1778-1857)
Peter (1781-1857)
John (ca1781-1848)
George (1783-1841)
Valentine ("Felty") (ca1785-1830)
Jesse (1787-1920)
Robert (1789-1824)
William (ca1789-)
Margaret (Peggy) (1791-1824)
James (ca1791-)
Nancy (ca1796-1824)
Mathias (ca1800-1857)

1.1a.1.1.1 Isaac Yoakum
Birth 23 Feb 1778, Muddy Creek, Greenbrier, VA
Death 24 Jul 1857, Powell Valley, Clairborne, TN
Burial Yocum chapel Cem, Church of God, Clairborne, TN

From: Lea Ann Yoakum []
Sent: Sunday, September 05, 1999 12:56 PM

My father, George Yoakum, and I enjoyed the web site on the Yoakum's. We
posted a reply the the article on Peter and Felty Yoakum. Children of Issac
and Martha Davis Yoakum, Powell Valley, are confirmed by Issac Yoakum's will
dated 1853. The children he named in his will, and are different than those
indicated on your posting on the web site, are: George Washington, born
1802, Aaron, born 1803, John born 1806, Moses born 1807, Elizabeth Betty
born 1809, Thomas born 1813, Marcellus born 1815, and William Franklin born
1819. Other chidren named as children of Issac Yoakum born 1778, listed on
the web site, may be children of Jesse Yoakum, brother of George. Jesse's
children were: Issac born 1810, Alvis born 1813, Catherine 1819, William
born 1820, and Jesse James born 1821.

If you have any information on Felty Yoakum, brother of George, please
forward. Thank you. I have information you may find interesting which i
can send you by mail if you are interested.

Lea Ann Yoakum, daugher of George Lee Yoakum (from Powell Valley)

Spouse Mary Davis
Birth 1779, Powell Valley, Clariborne, TN
Death 24 Jul 1857, Powell Valley, Clairborne, TN
Father Aaron Davis
Mother Rachel
Marr Powell Valley, TN
Children: George (1802-1882)
Aaron (1803-1882)
John (1806-1882)
Moses (1808-1882)
Isaac (1810-1882)
Alvin (1812-1882)
Marcillus (1815-1900)
Jesse James (1817-1854)
Sarah (-1854)
Elizabeth (-1854)
William Franklin (1819-1900)
Thomas (-1765)

1.1a. George Yoakum
Birth 18 Aug 1802
Death 14 Dec 1882
Spouse Jane
Birth abt 1808
Death 18 Feb 1900
Marr Powell Valley, TN

1.1a. Aaron Yoakum*
Birth 1803
Death 1882
Spouse Lucinda Doak
Death 18 Feb 1900

Other Spouses Sarah Elizabeth Hollingsworth

1.1a. Aaron Yoakum* (See above)
Spouse Sarah Elizabeth Hollingsworth

Other Spouses Lucinda Doak

1.1a. John Yoakum
Birth 1806
Death 1882
Spouse Rachel Grimes
Father Grimes

1.1a. Moses Yoakum
Birth 1808
Death 1882
Spouse Elizabeth Grimes
Father Grimes

1.1a. Isaac Yoakum
Birth 1810
Death 1882

1.1a. Alvin Yoakum
Birth 1812
Death 1882
Spouse Elizabeth
Birth abt 1815

1.1a. Marcillus Yoakum*
Birth 1815
Death 1900
Spouse Sarah Ann Cawood

Other Spouses Sarah Jane McPhersonEliza T Welch

1.1a. Marcillus Yoakum* (See above)
Spouse Sarah Jane McPherson
Birth abt 1820

Other Spouses Sarah Ann CawoodEliza T Welch

1.1a. Marcillus Yoakum* (See above)
Spouse Eliza T Welch
Birth abt 1820

Other Spouses Sarah Ann CawoodSarah Jane McPherson


Contents * Index * Surnames