Family Gathered at Funeral of Martha Ann McKinney Yoakum
October 15th, 1921

Yoakum Photo AF 16a
This photo was taken at the Leonard and Leona Yoakum Ross home on Saturday, October 15th 1921. Martha Ann McKinney Yoakum was buried that day in the Woldford cemetery at Hightown (Clara), Florence Nixon Yoakum, wife of John O. Yoakum (22) took this picture for family and friends.
Participants in the Photo
Thelma Norris Cox and Berneice Norris Gay identified the participants.
This is a composite photo made up of two separate stills.

How People in the Photo are Related...
Isaac Rite "Ike" Yoakum (4) is the father of Bessie Yoakum Norris (3), and Tommy Yoakum (11), Leona Yoakum Ross (16), Nellie Yoakum (24) and John O. Yoakum (22).
Tommy Yoakum (11) and wife Lola Raper Yoakum (6) have these children present in the photo: Fern(25), J.D. (1), A.R. (9), and Irene (10).
Bessie Yoakum Norris (3) and husband Arthur "Field" Norris(7) have these children present: Berneice (2), and Arthur F. " Sonny" Norris, Jr. (8).
Leona Yoakum Ross (16) and husband Leonard L. Ross (17) have these children present: Mildred(14) and Tressie (27).
Bill (20) and Myrtle Yoakum Norris (26) have these children present: Thelma (29), Floyd (12), Gladys (19) and Juanita (21) Norris.
1. J.D. Yoakum 11. James Tommy Yoakum 21. Jaunita Norris
2. Berneice Norris 12. Floyd Norris 22. John O. Yoakum
3. Bessie C. Yoakum Norris 13. Sam Presley 23. Melba Shryock
4. Isaac Rite "Ike" Yoakum 14. Mildred Ross 24. Nellie Belle Yoakum Shryock
5. Anna Louisa Yoakum 15. Margaret Presley 25. Fern Yoakum
6. Lola Raper Yoakum 16. Leona Yoakum Ross 26. Myrtle Yoakum Norris
7. Arthur "Field" Norris 17. Leonard Ross 27. Tressie Ross
8. A.F. "Sonny" Norris, Jr. 18. Jossie Manley 28. Melissa McKinney
9. A.R. Yoakum 19. Gladys Norris 29. Thelma Norris
10. Irene Ruby Yoakum 20. Bill Norris 30. Thomas McKinney


Nellie Yoakum Shyrock (24) has her daughter Melba (23)
John O. Yoakum (22) has his daughter Anna Louisa (5). John's wife Florence took this picture.
Margaret Presley (15) was the sister of Martha Ann McKinney Yoakum. Margaret is the wife of Sam Presley (13).
Jossie Manley (18) was also a sister of Martha Ann McKinney.
Thomas McKinney (30) was a brother of Martha Ann Yoakum. His wife is Melissa McKinney (28). Thomas is said to have lived to the age of 105 years.

Rev 2b: 3 July 1999: rdk
Copyright 1999, Yoakum Archives

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