Gallery (page 7)
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Yoakum Photo MRM 12a

Tommy Lee 'Toby' Yoakum high school graduation ca 1952


Yoakum Photo MRM 20a

Ray and Gertrude's kids Ron, Monda, Toby, Bill, and Wayne with Monda's son Randy Wyrick in forefront, ca 1954.  

Yoakum Photo MRM 13a

Carol Lambert Yoakum and Rose Mary
ca 1955
On a trip to visit Toby's and Rose Mary's brother Gene in southern California someplace. 

Yoakum Photo MRM 27a

Ruby Irene Yoakum Cowan and husband Don
with children BIll, Jim and Doreen ca. 1955

Yoakum Photo MRM 30a

Ray, Gertrude and Family. Thanksgiving 1957 at the two story house in Rio Linda.
Clockwise from bottom - Gertrude, husband Ray, son Ron, his wife Nancy(??), son Wayne,
Rosemary's children Randy Wyrick, Jamie Wyrick, son Bill Yoakum at end of table, granddaughter Leanne on son Toby's knee, his wife Carol Lambert, daughter-in-law Donna, son Gene, daughter Rosemary and her husband James Wyrick. Many, many Sunday afternoons were spent in similar fashion.

The MRM photo series are from Monda Yoakum Van Dyke.
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Rev 2b: 3 July 1999 : rdk
Copyright 1999, Yoakum Archives

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