"Lola, Tommy, daughter Faye, her
husband John Buckner and son John Jr. came out to California to see the
family. While they were here they went to the big trees with Mom and Dad
(Ray and Gertrude)."
"Lola found a dog while on this trip west and named her 'Callie' because she was from California" - Monda Yoakum Van Dyke.
Yoakum Photo MRM1a Gertrude Gunnier Yoakum, Ray Yoakum, Lola Raper Yoakum, and James Thomas Yoakum Calaveras Big Trees, California ca. 1956? |
Yoakum Photo MRM 06a Wayne, Gene, Rod, Rose Mary, Toby, and Bill Yoakum Ray and Gertrude's children, Mothers Day, 1964. Photo taken in Rio Linda, CA - leaning on Bill's '56 Buick. |
Yoakum Photo MRM 07a Gertrude Gunier Yoakum with daughter, daughters-in-law, and grandkids Mothers Day, 1964. |
Rev 2b: 3 July 1999 : rdk
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info@theyoakumpages.com |