Citations, Migration and the BLM

1787 and 1788, Lower District of Russell Co., Early, VA, Tax Records; JOHN VAN BEBBER, PETER VAN BEBBER, and GEORGE YOAKUM each paid taxes for one tithable over age 21.  
1789-1793, Lower district of Russell Co., Early Va. Tax Records: JOHN VAN BEBBER, PETER VAN BEBBER, JAMES VAN BEBBER, and GEORGE YOAKUM, all paid taxes for one tithable over 21.
Aug. 1792-Dec. 1793, Russell Co., Va. The Governor of Va directed the Commander of Washington Co, Va, to draft 25 men and send them ot Powell Valley for relief. GEORGE YOAKUM, Private, was one who served. Also, JAMES VAN BEBBER, Private was one who served.
1792, Oct 25- GEORGE YOAKUM and JOHN, PETER and JAMES VAN BEBBER, and several other, signed a petition to divide Russell Co., Va, into Russell and Lee Counties.
1795-, Lee County, Va. Personal Property and Land Book, PETER VAN BEBBER, and JAMES VAN BEBBER paid tax for one white male over age 16. GEORGE YOAKUM paid tax for two white males over age 16. Who was the second white male? This may have been ISAAC YOAKUM born Feb 23, 1778 from YOAKUM Cemetery tombstone.
1796, 13 June - Lee Co., Va. Deed Book #1, Pages 259-260. GEORGE YOAKUM and his wife, PATTY, of Lee County, sold land in Lee County to JOSEPH SPENCER. Three hundred acres situated on the south side of the Powell River were sold for 160 pounds.
1797 - Grainger Co., Tn, Court Minute Book #1, Pg. 12. JOHN VAN BEBBER and GEORGE YOAKUM, among others, were appointed by the Court to be a jury of view for a road the nearest and best way from TURNER's FERRY on the Holston River to the YOAKUM STATION in Powell Valley. This would later become, in 1801, Claiborne Co., Tn.
1797, Oct 1 - The Church minutes of the Baptist Church of Jesus Christ at Davis Creek shows PETER and JOHN VAN BEBBER, and GEORGE YOAKUM, Petioners for the organization of the Davis Creek Church.
1798, Sept. 11 - Lee County, Va., Deed Book #1, Pages 159-160. GEORGE YOAKUM and PATSY, his wife, of Hawkins Co., Tn, sold to ENOS SOUTHERLAND, of Lee Co., 52 acres of land in Lee County situated on the south side of Powell's River for the sum of 40 pounds
1798, Sept. 11 - Lee County, Va, Deed Book #1, Pg 179. GEORGE YOAKUM, and PATSY, his wife of Hawkins Co., Tn, sold to JAMES HOOF of Lee County 100 acres of land for 40 pounds. The land was on the South side of the Powell River. This is conjectured by the authors that GEORGE and MARTHA or MARGARET YOAKUM have divested themselves of their land holdings in Lee, Co., Va and have moved further down the Valley of the Powell river, where they have established a second YOAKUM FORT/STATION.

1799 - Grainger Co.,Tn. Early Tax Records. JOHN VAN BEBBER was ordered by the Court to take a list of taxable property in the bound of Captain WILLIAM BOWMAN's Company. Among those on the list are: JOHN, PETER and JAMES VAN BEBBER; and GEORGE YOAKUM. GEORGE YOAKUM paid taxes on two white males over the age of 21 years. One of these obviously was George, himself.
The family settled in Claiborne, Grainger, Roane and Bradley County's between 1790 and 1851. 
1799 - Grainger Co. Tax List. There is a series of Early Tennessee Tax Records compiled by Byron and Barbara Sistler that they found in the Tennessee State Archives, Nashville. The following YOAKUMs appear on the Tax List from Grainger Co. ISAAC YOAKUM, JOHN YOAKUM, VALENTINE YEOKUM, GEORGE YOAKUM.
1800, May 3 - Minutes of the Davis Creek Church, Grainger Co., GEORGE YOAKUM and SAMUEL WEAVER were asked to inquire of PETER VAN BEBBER concerning his non-attendance of Church.
1800, June 7 - Minutes of the Davis Creek Church, Grainger Co., GEORGE YOAKUM reports to the Church that PETER VAN BEBBER did not attend the Church because he did not like the preaching.
1801, May 18 - It is being the 18th day of said month - ordered that Martha YOAKUM and ISAAC YOAKUM have the right to Administration of the estate of GEORGE YOAKUM, deceased, who have JOHN VAN BEBBER and ROBERT HOWARD their Securities in the Sum of $500 and were qualified accordingly. Let Letter of Administration issue. (This Isaac would be Valentine's older brother, Martha could be George's wife).
1803 - Grainger Co., Tn. ISAAC YOAKUM, JOHN YOAKUM, and VALENTINE YOAKUM all appear on a petition to the Tennessee State Legislature. Unfortunately, the reason for the petition is not given in reference - pgs 69 - 70, "Early Tax Lists for Tennessee", by Mary Barnett Curtis. (This would be our Valentine and brothers).
1803, June 8 - Claiborne Co., Tn. Claiborne Co., Court Minutes Book #1, June Term of court, Pg. 136. Case in court - ISAAC YOAKUM and MARTHY YOAKUM, vs. ARTHUR MARKUM and GEORGE HOVER ordered by the Court that Sheriff JOHN HUNT be fined $125 for an unlawful return on the writ in this suit (Valentine's brother).
1805 - 1807 - Claiborne Co. Court Minutes. ISAAC YOAKUM appears many times on Jury lists of the County Court; (Valentine's brother).
1807, August 20 - Claiborne Co., Deed Book Pg. 95. Also Deed Book A. pg. 89. JOHN VANBEBBER of Claiborne Co. sold 212 and two quarters and 36 poles of land to ISAAC YOAKUM for $525. the land was in Powell Valley in the RICHARD HENDERSON and CO. Greater Powell Valley Survey, in Lot B, which by subdivision fell to Col. THOMAS HART and by him conveyed to JOHN and PETER VAN BEBBER. Col. THOMAS HART and by him conveyed to JOHN and PETER VAN BEBBER. (Valentine's brother).
Post 1812; CLAIBORNE County; DAVIS Creek Baptist Church Minutes, Membership Enumeration taken 1812 and after. On this membership appears the name Valentine YOAKUM, In this same membership record is shown the name Lotty YOAKUM in one column and later on Charlotte YOAKUM (This could be their daughter b.1810)
1814, February - CLAIBORNE County Court Minutes. Isaac YOAKUM and Valentine YOAKUM serve as jurors.
1815, February 7 - CLAIBORNE County Court Minutes; Page 14 Peter YOAKUM is shown on the delinquent tax list for 1 poll at $.50.
1815, May - CLAIBORNE County Court Minutes.Moses DAVIS, George YOAKUM, Valentine YOAKUM, and Daniel SOWDER, Plaintiffs, vs. William NORVELL, Defendant.
1823, May - CLAIBORNE County Court Minutes. George VAN BEBBER, Jesse YOAKUM, Valentine YOAKUM, and Isaac OWENS are appointed to view the layout of a road and report back to court.
1823, August - CLAIBORNE County Court Minutes. George VAN BEBBER, Jesse YOAKUM, Valentine YOAKUM, and Isaac OWENS give their report to the court concerning their layout of a road in Powell Valley.
Migration Early 1800's - George's son Valentine married Charlotte Reynolds in Clairborne Co., Tennessee sometime around 1804. They moved to Roane Co. between 1810 & 1812 and stayed there until his death. 
1828, Sep 4 -  Roane County Deed Book B, Page 38; January 1829
The Last Will and Testament of Valentine YOAKUM was written and signed by Valentine in ROANE County on Sep 4, 1828. He names his wife in the will as Charlotte YOAKUM. 

The Will was recorded in ROANE County Will Book B in January 1829, which means that Valentine died between September 1828 and January 1829. The will was signed by Robert Cannon and William Reynolds.

1830 Roane Co., Tennessee Census - Valentine died prior to the 1830 census. Charlotte Yoakum is listed in the 1830 Roane County, Tennessee census with 12 members in her household (Roane 24: Yoakum, Sharlotte 12121-012101 showing 1 Male under 5; 2 Males 5-10; 1 Male 10-15; 2 Males 15-20; 1 Male 20-30; 1 Female 5-10; 2 Females 10-15; 1 Female 15-20; 1 Female 40-50).
Migration 1830's - In late 1931 Charlotte remarried a neighbor and moved with him down to Bradley Co. Many of her sons followed their mother and after Isaac I married Rachel Sisk in 1837, he moved down to Bradley Co. as well. This started a series of moves for Isaac that lasted 20 years until he landed in Texas Co., Missouri.
1836 Bradley Co.,TN - Abstracts of Ocoee District Early Land Records-Entries, Lucille McClure, published 1990. Page 114 for legal description of Isaac Yoakum's land in the Ocoee Cherokee Indian District (Bradley County) of southeastern Tennessee.  80 Acres.
Migration 1840's - The Isaac Yoakum family remained in Bradley County, TN (the former Ocoee Cherokee District), from about the time of Isaac and Rachel's marriage (ca 1837) until approximately 1851. The location of their former home is some 6 miles northeast of Cleveland, TN. During their stay, 8 of their 13 children were born: William Rilie, b. 1838; Elizabeth, b. 1839; Margaret Melvina, b. 1840, John Henderson, b. 1842; Jesse Franklin, b. 1844; James Clark, b. 1845; Sarah Catherine, b. 1848; and Simon Winfield, b. 1850.
1837-1842 In the Bradley Co. Circuit Court Minute Book for 1837-1842 Isaac YOCUM is listed as a witness for the State on 29 Dec 1840 in the State Vs. Elizabeth HENDERSON alias Elizabeth FANBUSH.  Isaac YOCUM was paid for 4 days at $.75 per day for a total of $3.00.
Migration 1850's - After Simon's birth in 1850, early in the following year, the Isaac and Rachel Yoakum family removed to Illinois where Nancy Louise Jane was born in 1852, though we don't know what county/township. William, Isaac's youngest brother, who had stayed in Bradley Co, worked on the farm until June 27, 1854 when he was struck by lightning and killed in the field while he was plowing. Meanwhile Isaac and family, unsuccessful in their quest for greater opportunity, removed to Alabama where his youngest son, Isaac Rite (Ike) was born. It wasn't long before the Yoakums were on their way west again, this time to their destiny in Texas County, south central Missouri.


Isaac Yoacum bought 39.59 acres in NESW section 29. 1 south, 9 east in AL from Huntsville, AL land office 15 Jun 1854 ( date coinsides with the birth of Isaac 'Ike' in May of that year in the county).

1854, 15 June - View Actual Document
Cancelled: N Document Nr. : 17766 Misc. Document Nr. :
Patentee Name: YOACUM, ISAAC
Warrantee Name:
Authority: April 24, 1820: Cash Entry Sale (3 Stat. 566)
Signature Present: Y
Signature Date: 06/15/1854
Metes/Bounds: N
Survey Date:
Subsurface Reserved: N
Nr. Aliquot Parts Sec/Blk Township Range Fract. Sect. Meridian Acres Counties


From the U.S. Government, Isaac Yoakum purchased 280 acres of land near Clara, Missouri. This land was part of the Louisiana Purchase and had never been deeded before. Official Government records (see pp 177-178, Tract Book 91, Texas County, Missouri) show Isaac Yoakum made the following land purchases:

1858, 20 Feb - Isaac Yoakum, Certificate #29854, purchased the NW qtr of the NE qtr of Sec 14, Township 3 ON, Range I 0W; 40 acres at 25 cents per acre for a total of $10. 00.
1858, 20 Feb - Isaac Yoakum, Certificate 9 29854, purchased balance of the NE qtr of See. 14, Township 30N, Range I 0W; 120 acres at 25 cents per acre for a total of $30.00.
1858, 20 Feb  - Isaac Yoakum, Certificate 9 29857, purchased the W half of the SW qtr of Sect 14, Township 30N, Range 10W; 80 acres at 25 cents per acre for a total of $20.00.
1858, 10 May  - Isaac Yoakum, Certificate # 31354 (sic), purchased an additional 40 acres, believed to join one of the earlier parcels, at 25 cents per acre for a total of $20.00.
1859, 01 Sept - View Actual Document
Cancelled: N Document Nr. : 31354 Misc. Document Nr. :
Patentee Name: YOAKUM, ISAAC
Warrantee Name:
Authority: April 24, 1820: Cash Entry Sale (3 Stat. 566)
Signature Present: Y
Signature Date: 09/01/1859
Metes/Bounds: N
Survey Date:
Subsurface Reserved: N
Land Office: JACKSON
Nr. Aliquot Parts Sec/Blk Township Range Fract. Sect. Meridian Acres Counties
1859, 01 Sept - View Actual Document
Cancelled: N Document Nr. : 29854 Misc. Document Nr. :
Patentee Name: YOAKUM, ISAAC
Warrantee Name:
Authority: April 24, 1820: Cash Entry Sale (3 Stat. 566)
Signature Present: Y
Signature Date: 09/01/1859
Metes/Bounds: N
Survey Date:
Subsurface Reserved: N
Land Office: JACKSON
Nr. Aliquot Parts Sec/Blk Township Range Fract. Sect. Meridian Acres Counties
Migration 1860's - Three of Ike's brothers were veterans of the Civil War. We know that Simon Winfield Yoakum and his brother, Jesse Franklin, moved to the Dixon, Missouri, area after the war and lived there for the remainder of their lives.

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